Chermside Residents Warned To Secure Vehicles As Car Thefts Rise

The Gateway Patrol Group has advised Chermside residents to properly secure their vehicles after instances of thieves targeting a number of cars in Brisbane North in July 2021.

Read: Careful, Chermside! Secret Cameras Catching People on Phones Whilst Driving to Stay Permanently

Over the past month, there were 29 offences in the North Brisbane District. Six of these reported crimes happened in Chermside. These offences included enter with intent, unlawful entry of motor vehicle, and unlawful use of motor vehicle. Thieves have mostly targeted secure basement car parks of unit complexes.

North Brisbane District Crime Prevention Coordinator Sergeant Jodie Murray said most offences were committed overnight (between 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.) and were most commonly between Thursday and Sunday.

“Car parks were entered by offenders following residents’ vehicles through gates, forced entry of security or fire doors, manipulation of gate mechanisms and forcing open key boxes,” Sgt Murray said.

“Property targeted included bicycles, electric bikes, scooters, skateboards, sporting equipment, garage remotes, tools, cash, household items, firearms, two motorcycles and two vehicles,” he added.

The latest data from the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council revealed there were a total of 50 motor vehicle thefts in Chermside in 2020. Around 68-percent of these were stolen from residence.

What You Can Do

If you’re an owner of a vehicle, here are some things you can do to help prevent car break-ins:

  • Always lock doors and close windows when your vehicle is unattended
  • Do not to leave keys hanging visibly on key hooks and store your keys out of sight and in a safe place
  • Make a note when suspicious persons or vehicles are observed in your neighbourhood. Write down a description of the person or vehicle including registration number, make, model, colour, with date and time observed
  • Consider joining your local Neighbourhood Watch Group.

Crime Watch Logan & Queensland is a page providing information and crime updates for the community covered by all the Logan Policing areas and by all Queensland Police Service’s areas for the whole of Queensland.

North Brisbane Police urges residents to report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Locals may call 1800 333 000 or report online at

Gateway Patrol Reminds Chermside Residents to “Think Like a Burglar” and Secure Their Homes

Whether they are leaving the house or just at home, Chermside and Wavell Heights residents are reminded to secure their homes as thieves have recently targeted a number of homes in these suburbs.

The Gateway Patrol Group said that to determine how secure a home is, one has to think like a burglar. Getting to know the neighbours is also an important step in keeping one’s property secured as residents can exchange contact numbers, for example, and keep an eye on each other’s homes.

To minimise the risk of break-ins, police are advising residents to consider the following:

  • From the outside of your home, consider how difficult it would be to break in.
  • Carefully observe any items or objects in your yard that could offer assistance to a would-be thief.
  • Are there any tools lying around your yard that could assist in prying open a window; are there any ladders laying beside the shed; or are trees and shrubs concealing windows providing cover for a burglar while they break in?
  • Do not leave keys hanging visibly on key hooks and store your keys out of sight and in a safe place.
  • Ensure all doors and windows are locked prior to leaving your house unoccupied.
  • A large percentage of burglaries reported to police indicate that burglars entered through an unlocked door or window.
  • If keys are left on display on a key holder, a burglar may take them to gain access to your house at a later time. The burglar may also use your car as the getaway vehicle.
  • Consider using CCTV. There are many reasonably priced user friendly systems available. CCTV at the home can be a deterrent to would-be thieves and can also be a helpful investigative tool for police.
  • Suspicious vehicles should be noted when observed in your neighbourhood.
  • Write down a description of the person or vehicle including registration number, make, model and colour.

For any suspicious behaviour, persons, or vehicle, residents should report it to the police. Contact Triple Zero (000) for an emergency or if a crime is in progress, otherwise contact Policelink on 131 444 or online or through the Policelink app.  

You can also actively participate in crime prevention in your area by joining local Neighbourhood Watch Group or Dogs on Patrol pack.

Not yet confident that your home is secure enough? You may contact Gateway Crime Prevention Unit on, to request a police to conduct a free Home Security audit of your home.