Budget Allocated for the Completion of Adolescent Extended Treatment Centre at The Prince Charles Hospital

Photo Credit: The State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 1996-2019 / health.qld.gov.au

The State Government will invest almost $28 million to go towards the completion of the new Adolescent Extended Treatment Facility at the Prince Charles Hospital and other adolescent mental health facilities in SEQ.

Under the State 2019-20 Budget, a total of $27,946,000 will be allocated for the  Adolescent Extended Treatment Facility at the Prince Charles Hospital, which is already  undergoing construction, as well as the construction of two new adolescent Step Up Step Down units in Brisbane and the refurbishment of two adolescent Day Program spaces at Logan and the Gold Coast.

Being one of the State Government’s key priority sectors, Healthcare will get a record allocation of $19.2 billion, up by $929 million from last year’s under 2019-20 Budget. The health budget will ensure that more doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals are employed and more hospitals are built to keep Queenslanders healthy and active.

The Prince Charles Hospital Adolescent Extended Treatment Facility

Located at the Prince Charles Hospital campus in Chermside, the Adolescent Extended Treatment Centre is being constructed for adolescents from across Queensland who are suffering from severe mental health issues.

Photo Credit: The State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 1996-2019 / health.qld.gov.au

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Once it opens in 2020, the Treatment Centre will provide inpatient treatment and rehabilitation for an extended period. The facility will have 12 residential places/beds with statewide catchment area and 10-day treatment places for the local community catchment. 

Photo Credit: The State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 1996-2019 / health.qld.gov.au

More health infrastructure spending to meet growing demand

Under the Building Better Hospitals Program, the State Government will spend $956.9 million to help meet the growing demand for health infrastructure. 

“We will keep the momentum going for building better hospitals,” Health and Ambulance Services Minister Steven Miles said.

“This year’s health infrastructure budget will deliver projects to ensure there are enough beds available to keep meeting increased demand.”

The health infrastructure investments this year will include: 

$36.3 million commitment for the redevelopments of the Logan, Caboolture and Ipswich Hospitals as part of the Building Better Hospitals program.

  • $78.6 million to continue the redevelopment of the Roma Hospital and upgrade of the Gladstone Hospital Emergency Department.
  • $1.4 million for the upgrade of the Redland Hospital, to provide additional Emergency Department beds and birthing facilities.
  • $40.7 million for projects in the Rural and Regional Infrastructure Package, including the construction of a new community hospital in Blackall and redevelopments of the Sarina and Kingaroy Hospitals, Townsville Hospital’s Clinical Services and Maryborough Emergency Department and Specialist Outpatient Department.

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