Best 4KQ Christmas Lights Displays to See in North Brisbane, Including Overall Winner

Photo Credit: Public Domain Pictures/Pixabay

There are plenty of reasons to round up the kids and board the bus to join the 4KQ Christmas Lights tour around Brisbane’s northern suburbs this year. The most impressive reason of all is to see the best in the competition as the overall winner’s house happens to be from this side of the city! 

Jeanette Meyer, a grandmother from 4 Huron Street in Banyo, was adjudged as the champion of this year’s 4KQ contest. She and her whole family have been joining this event since 2011 and they prepare everything by hand and by sheer passion for sparkling Christmas joy. 

To catch Ms Meyer’s Christmas lights display, as well as the showcase of the other houses around North Brisbane, the council has arranged a tour from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on 16th up to 20th of Dec 2019. 

Those who want to join the tour from the north may take the Brisbane City stop at Ann Street, (Anzac Square Stop 7) or the bus at the Chermside Shopping Centre (Stop D). Ticket reservations are available online.  

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These are the other stops for those interested in touring east, south or west Brisbane:

  • Carindale Shopping Centre (Stop H) to eastern suburbs
  • Garden City Shopping Centre (Stop J & K) to southern suburbs
  • Indooroopilly Shopping Centre (Stop C) to western suburbs

Best North Brisbane Christmas Lights Display

Chermide West’s St Gerard Majella Catholic Church also won the Community Award from one of the sponsors, whilst Michael Turnbull’s home in Clontarf is one of the finalists for the People’s Choice.

Here is the list of the winners for North Brisbane: 

John & Kaye Baker12 Elm Street, Murrumba DownsBest Lights Display – Runner-Up, North
Alex Rolfe123 Dorrington Drive, AshgroveJudges Commendations
Carolyn & Troy Ebsworth81 Froude Street, BanyoJudges Commendations
Michael Turnbull1 Long Street, ClontarfJudges Commendations
Iris Gillingham116 Board Street DeagonJudges Commendations
Michael & Vanessa Saccasan26 Cockatiel Court, Deception BayJudges Commendations
Jeremy Ward8 Hughes Street, McDowallJudges Commendations
Best New Entrant
McLights Petrie11 Eachman Street, PetrieJudges Commendations
Matt & Kat Barwick27 Minimise Street, StaffordJudges Commendations
St Gerard Majella Catholic Church146 Maundrell Terrace, Chermside WestWinner 7 News Church and Community Award
Sarah Crawford23 Bonnet Parade, Mango HillRunner-Up Neighbourhood
Emma Bromage25 Bonnet Parade, Mango HillRunner-Up Neighbourhood
Photo Credit: Peter Bernados/Facebook

North Brisbane Participants

Albany CreekRon and Barb Vincent,
16 Kosta Place
Arana HillsIngrid Moyle,
4 Ironwood Court
AspleyGlenys Richards,
54 Kildonan Street
BanyoRichard Martin,
24 Ellamark Street
BeachmereDebbie Hancock,
25 Murray Court
BellmereTracy Taylor,
3 Parkwood Place
BoondallPhilip Greg,
86 College Way
Bracken RidgeAnn Jeffery,
72 Gawain Road

Larry & Thyra Browning,
78 Greenore Street
Bray ParkDan Broxham,
122 Sparkes Road
BurpengaryKaren Doneman,
56-58 Rosehill Drive

Patty Hayward,
1-9 Lilly Pilly Court
CabooltureDarryl & Karen Cini,
25 Tullawong Drive

Dale Heron,
11 Hazelwood Court
CarseldineTerri Corey,
34 Dannenberg Street
Chermside WestJonathan Albury,
34 Ashley Road

Brendon Withers,
27 Allamanda Place
Eatons HillJoy Boyd,
60 Drapers Road
GriffinWayne Charrington,
18 Ultramarine Parade
KallangurPeter Jackson,
22 Azalea Court
Mango HillChristopher Rickard,
16 Freshwater Creek
McDowallDavid Flood,
62 Sinatra Crescent
MitcheltonNick Boucher,
6 Greenview Close
Murrumba DownsJohn & Kaye Baker,
12 Elm Stree
NarangbaAaron Ryan,
15 Blaxland Plac
RedcliffeIan Russell,
1 Richens Stre
RothwellJesse Ryan,
6 Dobell Street
SandgateSharon Carroll-Mullins,
Shop 9 Second Avenue

Anastasia Holmes,
1 Loudon Street
StrathpineChrystal Cox,
19 Jasmine Street
WarnerKrystal Corley,
3 Oakwood Road

Christine Carroll,
31 Thorrold Street

Can’t make it to the bus tour? If you’d like to arrange your own drive to see the magical houses, download the following and map out your destinations properly: 

Mobile App Christmas Lights 2019 
Full List of Participants’ Houses 
Full List of Winners’ Houses 

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