Brisbane Emergency Services Expo Draws Thousands to Chermside

Over 10,000 people gathered at 7th Brigade Park in Chermside for the Brisbane Emergency Services Expo, an annual event designed to educate the public on how to prepare for emergencies.

Held on Saturday, October 12, the event was organised by the Brisbane City Council, with a focus on storm season preparedness and providing the community with crucial information on handling natural disasters. The expo featured multiple emergency service units, including the Mounted Unit, Dog Unit, Crime Stoppers, Police Recruiting, Crime Prevention Unit, and Highway Patrol. 

Community Engagement

This year marked the first time the expo was held at Chermside’s 7th Brigade Park, after previously being hosted at Victoria Park in Brisbane City. The new venue proved successful, with a large turnout from the local community. Attendees were able to interact with different units of the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and learn more about their work.

Brisbane Emergency Services Chermside
Photo Credit: QPS

The Mounted Unit and Dog Unit were particular crowd favourites, with demonstrations from the Dog Unit showcasing their skills in police operations. The event also provided an opportunity for Crime Prevention officers and Community Supporting Police to share tips on staying safe during emergencies and ways to report crimes.

Brisbane Emergency Services Chermside
Photo Credit: QPS

Career Opportunities Highlighted

The expo also placed a spotlight on recruiting efforts for the Queensland Police Service. Representatives from the Police Recruiting team were present to inform visitors about the wide variety of roles available within the service. They highlighted that a career in policing offers numerous paths, from responding to emergencies to investigating crimes and engaging with the community. Officers described the work as both challenging and rewarding, encouraging those interested to explore career opportunities by visiting the official recruitment website.

Success of the Event

The overall success of the event demonstrated the value of connecting emergency services with the community. It provided a platform for local residents to learn important safety information while also fostering positive relationships between the public and emergency service personnel. The large turnout and enthusiastic response from attendees showed strong support for events of this kind in the future. 

For more information about joining the Queensland Police Service, interested individuals can visit

Published 21-Oct-2024