Blade one glides over Superintendent Tucker’s head for a cause

Superintendent David Tucker became a little lighter on Friday after saying goodbye to his hair as part of the World’s Greatest Shave, but not before trying out a new hairdo.
Superintendent Tucker took a walk on the bright side and gave a rainbow mohawk a trial run thanks to Mick from Stay Local Barbershop, who closed his shop doors to assist in the makeover.

Superintendent Tucker has raised more than $2,300 for the Leukaemia Foundation’s main fundraising event so far.
Part of his drive to fundraise included some friendly rivalry, who ever donated the most, got the honours of first shave. Congratulations to Justin Hayward.
Justin won the privilege to shave first
Although being a regular inmate as part of Time for Kids for Redcliffe PCYC, this was the first time Superintendent Tucker volunteered for this cause, deciding to do so after his Inspectors approached him to put up his hand up.
“What they did not expect was that I would say yes straight away, and then they

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